
Change your mind - not your self.

There is two thing in life, that you'll never be done with.
1: Finding new people to love
2: Developing yourself.

The first one, helps you with the second one, and the second one makes the first one come true.

I'm at this point in life when I've, yet again, started to find out new things about myself. I'm realizing new things I like to do, new areas that need some detective work and I realize that I have all this opinions and thoughts that I've never even considered before, You might wonder why. I did. And it's all because of all this new people in my life.

New people opens up your mind for new things.

The last year of my life I've been meeting a whole lot of new people. Some have become real close friends, some not so close. But have been giving me new ways of seeing things. I don't say that my old friends haven't done the same, in their time. I'm just saying that at the moment, this is opening up so many more doors, and windows. 
I think that this year I've been finding out stuff about myself that I didn't think was possible. Hell, I've been doing stuff I didn't think that I would ever do. I've been pushing limits. My own limits. My friends limits. And also other people I have met and their limits.

I know that it may look like I've changed some, or a lot, this year. Or the last twelve months or so. But I don't think I have. I've just let myself be open. And that is not a bad thing. I know I have friends who think that I've changed. Maybe even changed into something less good than before. I say shame on you! Just because it's not a common thing in your world, it's not a bad thing.

The only thing in life, that scares me more than violence is ignorance and closed up minds. If you can't respect someone, that you care about, enough to let them explore life itself, then your mind is pretty closed up. And you don't deserve my respect.

I'm tired of being Mr Nice guy. I know I can't satisfy everyone. Believe me. I'm trying to. But I'm trying to find out who I am. And that is something that might go on for the rest of my life. I won't stay in that boring old box. I'm living outside the box.

I know that this might be a some what secretive blog entry. And I'm sorry about that. Maybe I'll tell you more about myself someday, when I've figured it all out. For now. This is what you get.

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